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Valued Voices

Game changers leading the way

Are you sitting comfortably? Because we’ve got some incredible stories to share. Some are innovative, some are inspirational, some are unexpected – but all are a little bit of what we stand for at Valued. Delve in, and find out who’s shaking things up at work – for all the right reasons.

Our new Interview Guide!

Hints & tips to make the interview process as welcoming as possible

It is so important to interview inclusively and that’s why we’ve created this guide to help everyone interview the ‘Valued’ way. Click here to see more!

Dexter's story in Yahoo News!

Increasing awareness about his hidden illness, Crohn's Disease

Dexter shares his experience of living with Crohn’s disease and how surgery transformed his life. He explains how important flexible working has been to his physical and mental health and how this inspired the launch of Valued Recruitment. Read the article here

Flexible Working Panellist

FemMentored invited Anna to talk all things flex!

FemMentored are a mentoring community – for women, by women. Anna was honoured to be invited onto their panel to explore flexible working and what it means to genuinely drive inclusion and recruit in a humane way.